Chicken Massaman Curry

Chicken Massaman Curry

Chicken Massaman Curry is one of my favorite savory Thai curry dishes.  With chicken and potatoes cooked into the flavorful sauce, it is delicious!
This is one of my FAVORITE curry dishes. Massaman, Masuman, Masumun, Matsaman… it can be spelled a million different ways but it all tastes the same. My friends and I went out for Thai the other day and my husband was bummed he couldn’t go (it was a girls only thing). I should have been a good wife and ordered him something to-go, but I didn’t. I just let him have a couple bites of my leftovers. Anyway, he begged for me to figure out the recipe and make it so he could have his own.. so I did tonight (I had to hurry and post this before I forgot what I put in it). It was fabulous! You are going to love it! It tasted JUST like the curry I had the other day at the restaurant.
**This makes a lot of curry (6-8 servings). Unless you are planning to share or want to freeze the leftovers, you may want to half the recipe**
How To Make Massaman Curry
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Chicken Massaman Curry

INGREDIENTS (with Amazon Links)
  • 1 can Masaman curry paste you will have to get this at your Asian market
  • 3 Tbs. vegetable oil
  • 2 cans coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp. ginger you can use fresh, I just used the powder
  • 2 Tbsp. chopped cilantro
  • 2 Tbsp. brown sugar packed
  • 2 Tbsp. fish sauce
  • 1 Tbsp. lime juice
  • 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 onion sliced thin
  • 1 lb. chicken sliced VERY thin I used partially thawed chicken from the freezer.. it was really easy to slice thin
  • 4-5 medium potatoes peeled, cubed
  • 2 carrots peeled, sliced
  • 1-2 Tbsp heaping peanut butter (crunchy or creamy.. doesn't matter)
  • 1/2 c. peanuts
  • Sriracha sauce To taste. This is what adds the spiciness.
  • Red pepper flakes to taste
  • Jasmine rice cooked
  1. Heat vegetable oil in a large (the largest you have--this makes a LOT) saucepan over medium heat. Stir in curry paste; cook and stir for about 2-3 minutes (make sure your windows are open and a fan is blowing.. this stuff is STRONG). Add 1 can coconut milk and stir until well blended. Add ginger, cilantro, sugar, fish sauce, lime juice, and Worcestershire, bring to a boil. Add onion and chicken then reduce to a simmer. When chicken is white and cooked through (about 5 min or so) add another can of coconut milk and bring back to a boil. Add remaining ingredients (except for the rice) and stir until everything is well mixed. Cover and simmer for about 15 minutes--until potatoes aren't crunchy in the middle. Serve hot over Jasmine rice.
